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May 30, 2010

Laundry in the Rain

Sunday at our place is laundry day. Today is no exception, and I'm hoping I can get it all done before the storm hits. Thunder is already booming, but there's no rain as of yet. It's beautiful outside though, huge dark clouds, a gusty wind, and the green green trees waving. So, even if I do get soaked going to finish my laundry, at least it will be in pretty scenery.

Speaking of laundry, I could really use a recommendation on a stain remover. I have never seen a stain come out in my entire life.Now with Little One turning 4 in a few months, I'm tired of seeing kid life stains all over her clothing. Kool Aid in particular, though yummy when it's allowed, is becoming a bane of my existence. I've tried shout, spray and wash, making sure to use clorox in the wash, and a bunch of other things. I have not tried any home remedies or Oxi Clean, which I would like to give a go but since it's the most expensive of stain fighting products and nothing has ever worked for me before, I'm not really to keen on trying it out.

Throw me some reviews, what do you all use that you've seen work wonders?


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